In 1938 the Essex and Suffolk Brotherhood and Sisterhood Federation held their autumn conference in our Church. This was a three day event from October 22nd to 24th, and there were public meetings, a luncheon, teas, and numerous speakers.
The 250th Church Anniversary Service was held on Thursday 4th May 1939 at 4pm when the Preacher was the Rev. J. E. James B.D. This was followed by a public tea at 5.3Opm for which there was a charge of sixpence, after which eight gifts presented by H.M. Queen Mary were sold by auction, and realised the sum of £7-I 2-0. The total raised in the day was £26. At an evening meeting there were six speakers and special music by the choir.
The Rev C. H. Newland concluded his Ministry at East Bergholt in January 1940 and went to Debenham.
At a Church Meeting on 27th April 1941 it was agreed that a meeting should be arranged with members of Dedham Church to discuss the possibility of uniting the two Churches under one Minister, as the grant from the Congregational Union was not sufficient to support a Minister for East Bergholt. After joint discussions between the two Churches it was agreed that this arrangement should be tried for a period of three years. The Rev. D. A. King was invited to become Minister of the two Churches and he accepted and commenced his duties in July 1942. As the Rev. King used the Dedham Manse, the East Bergholt Manse was let to a Mrs. Bayliss and family who had been bombed out of their London home. The Rev. King continued as joint Pastor of the two Churches until 1944 when Rev. Coates took over until December 1946 when the two Churches agreed to terminate the joint Pastorate. Rev. Coates then announced that he had accepted the invitation to become full time Minister of the Dedham Church.