Through the war years 1914-19 18 services and Church Meetings continued. On Sunday 13th August 1916 a special service of intercession was held to mark the second anniversary of the declaration of war. A marble memorial tablet was unveiled in the Church on 21st March 1920, showing the names of the members who lost their lives in the war.
At a special Church Meeting on 28th June 1923 the Rev. C.Stanley announced his resignation to take effect after the last Sunday in September. Unfortunately at the same time the Church Secretary resigned, and when the Church Meeting on 1st August1923 was told that there would be some delay before a new Minister could be appointed, there was consternation. If the Church made special application to the Congregational Union for help, “the Moderator may be induced to provide supplies during the vacancy”
The minutes of the meeting then record that :“the attitude of the meeting was that the Church was incapable of doing anything. What was needed was someone to be immediately installed to take over from the present Pastor. This expectation was shown to be not only unreasonable but rather hopeless”
However, after a visit by the District Secretary to the next Church Meeting the Church Secretary was persuaded to withdraw his resignation and to once again take up the work. After a break of twelve months a new Minister, the Rev. William Hunt was appointed. He took up his duties in October 1924. Another change of Hymn Books was agreed in October 1924 when copies of the new Congregational Hymnary were purchased.
The Rev. W. Hunt continued as Minister until January 1929 when he left to go to Wethersfield.
The Rev. Hunt was followed by Rev. F. Cranham from Harting, Sussex in November 1929. During his Ministry, Mrs. Cranham started the Women’s Own Meeting which continues to this day. When the Cranhams left Mrs. A. Gibling took over the Women’s Own until 1953 Miss Ivy Peck then became leader of the Women’s Own and continued until July 1984 when ill-health forced her to retire. In spite of being severely disabled by the loss of her right arm in her younger days Ivy Peck, as well as her work with the Women’s Own was and still is Missionary Secretary. (Now deceased)
Electric lighting was installed in the Church and hail in 1932, replacing the oil lamps. In January 1935 there was still no electric blower on the organ and the person engaged to operate the hand pump was paid five shillings per Sunday. The organist however was not paid.
The Rev. Cranham announced his resignation on 28th April 1935. The Pastorate was then vacant for about 12 months, when the Rev C.H. Newland was accepted as Minister in May 1936