
until 28 August 1849.

 Upon resignation a Minister often wrote a farewell message in the Minute Book.

An example of one of these is of interest. It was recorded by Mr.Fairfax on 28th August 1849.

 “It now devolves upon me to bring my entries in this book to a close. My official connection with the Church terminated on Lord’s Day 26th August In looking back on the nearly ten years spent by me in Bergholt, I would not undervalue any kindness shown to me, yet I cannot help regarding it as an unhappy circumstance that, at my first coming I received after four months probation, an invitation quite unanimous in form and signatures but which was subsequently found to be deplorably lacking in unanimity of opinion and of feeling. The results of this false step, have been felt during my entire career. Sometimes they have been painfully manifest. At an early period of my Ministry, an attempt was made to dislodge me, which I felt it my duty to unite with others in resisting. During the middle portion of my period I tried hard to adapt my ministrations to the people, and to secure the regard of the disaffected, in order that I might if possible be likely to do good. I leave with many feelings of regret. It will be a pleasure to me to learn that my late charge have been brought to a united, settled and prosperous state. May the Lord direct their hearts into the Love of God and into the patient waiting for Christ”

J.C. Fairfax 28th August 1849.

 The next Minister was Rev. E. J. Newton who commenced his duties on 24th March 1850 and stayed until 24th May 1855.

 It is of interest to read that: “The July 1854 Church Meeting was cancelled on account of the hay harvest not being completed, and the August Meeting was cancelled because the corn harvest was not completed.”