or common picturesqueness. The whole architectural effect has been wrought out in bricks of various forms and colours.”
There is a gallery across the back of the Church and at the opposite end is the pulpit, behind which is the schoolroom or hail. It was originally possible to open sliding doors between the hall and the Church enabling people seated in the hail to join in the services. These sliding doors still exist but they cannot be used now due to building alterations.
Although we know the actual date of the opening of this Church (vide the Builder Magazine item,) in spite of some hours of searching at the Record Office through the local newspapers of the lime I can find no report of the actual opening service. There must have been a service because in an old cashbook showing “New Chapel Accounts” there is an entry of “Collection at Opening - £44-12-8d.” In the same cashbook there is another entry: -“Received from Mr.Follcard £50 for old Chapel.” Was the old building sold for £50? -it appears so.
THE YEARS 1870 1905
On February 6th 1870, Rev. G. H. White of Burwell, Cambs. accepted the unanimous invitation to become Minister and he stayed until the 9th December 1877.
The record of monthly Church Meetings recommenced in 1870. On 3rd April 1870 the New Congregational Hymn Book was used for the first time. Many dozens of the various editions were sold and the people liked the change. Formerly two books had been used but what these were is not stated. Since this time three more hymn books have been published: -
- Congregational Church Hymnal 1887
- Congregational Hymnary 1916.
- Congregational Praise 1950.