
All these improvements were expensive and various fund raising events are arranged each year to cover the cost. The main event is a Summer Fayre. Also members of the congregation and friends in the village have collecting boxes for the Church Restoration Fund and these bring in a steady income.

As the present building is 132 years old, it is not surprising to know that there is dry rot under the floor boards and some areas of the wall plaster are failing. These are things which must be dealt with in the near future as money becomes available.


Some additional notes to cover items not previously mentioned. Church Membership over the years There is no clear record to show numbers of members in the 1600’s, but following are a few of those recorded in later years.

 Years  Members             Members

    1784     30         1930      29

    1853     62         1940      23

    1857     68         1950      17

    1862     68         1960      15

    1902     54         1970       8

    1910     36         1980      14

    1920     29         1989      22

 Sunday School

 There was certainly a Sunday School in 1850 but there are few references to it in the records. The numbers of children attending varied considerably and at times closed down completely for a tune and then restarted. At present it is thriving with numbers growing.