In 1871 money was subscribed for a new harmonium costing over £30.
It is apparent that in 1874 Church finances were running low because at a Church Meeting on 24th September the Pastor (Rev.0. H. White) remarked on the smallness of attendances at services and urged upon members the importance of augmenting the Pastor’s income, It was resolved that friends and neighbours should be invited to the services, It was also resolved that a General Statement of Receipts and Expenditures should be presented to the members at an early date. Presumably this was done but there is no record of it in the Minute Book.
In 1875 the following entry appears regarding Church Meetings:“As the attendances are so small it is resolved to discontinue them until further notice.”
In 1877 the Church Meetings started again. From 26th May 1878 until 22nd September 1889 Rev. R. E. Rose was the Minister.
On October 13th 1881 the death of a Mr. George Cooper is recorded and the following resolution was passed at a special Church Meeting on 6th November: -
“This meeting views with deep regret and much anxiety the great loss the Church has sustained by the death of Mr. George Cooper who for more than thirty years not only filled the offices of Senior Deacon and Treasurer but for many years past has also been the principal support of the cause in this place. By his death the Church has sustained the loss of at least £30 a year of its income.”
In those days £30 must have been a large proportion of the Church’s income because this resolution was followed by a special appeal to members to increase their giving and also an appeal to the Congregational Union for financial assistance.